Publications Federico Mora Rocha
(undergraduate mentees underlined)Refereed Conference Papers
Synthetic Programming Elicitation for Text-to-Code in Very
Low-Resource Programming and Formal Languages
Low-Resource Programming and Formal Languages
An Eager Satisfiability Modulo Theories Solver for Algebraic Datatypes
Message Chains for Distributed System Verification
Z3str4: A Multi-armed String Solver
Verification by Gambling on Program Slices
MedleySolver: Online SMT Algorithm Selection
An SMT Solver for Regular Expressions and
Linear Arithmetic over String Length
Linear Arithmetic over String Length
Scaling Client-Specific Equivalence Checking via
Impact Boundary Search
Impact Boundary Search
Client-Specific Equivalence Checking
Refereed Journal Publications
Towards more efficient methods for solving
regular-expression heavy string constraints
regular-expression heavy string constraints
Refereed Short or Tool Papers
UCLID5: Multi-Modal Formal Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis
BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
StringFuzz: A Fuzzer for String Solvers
Refereed Workshop Presentations
Genetic Algorithms for Searching a Matrix
of Metagrammars for Synthesis
of Metagrammars for Synthesis
Synthesis in UCLID5